Source code for paquo.projects

import as collections_abc
import math
import pathlib
import re
import shutil
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from contextlib import nullcontext
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import ContextManager
from typing import Dict
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Iterator
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union
from typing import overload
from urllib.parse import urlsplit

if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
    from typing import Literal
    from typing_extensions import Literal

from paquo import settings
from paquo._logging import get_logger
from paquo._logging import redirect
from paquo._utils import make_backup_filename
from paquo.classes import QuPathPathClass
from paquo.images import ImageProvider
from paquo.images import QuPathImageType
from paquo.images import QuPathProjectImageEntry
from paquo.images import SimpleFileImageId
from import URI
from import BufferedImage
from import DefaultProject
from import ExceptionInInitializerError
from import File
from import Files
from import GeneralTools
from import ImageServerProvider
from import IOException
from import NegativeArraySizeException
from import ProjectImportImagesCommand_getThumbnailRGB
from import ProjectIO
from import Projects
from import ServerTools
from import String
from import compatibility

_log = get_logger(__name__)

class _ProjectImageEntriesProxy(collections_abc.Sequence):
    """iterable container holding image entries"""
    # todo: decide if this should be a mapping or not...
    #   maybe with key id? to simplify re-association

    def __init__(self, project: 'QuPathProject'):
        if not isinstance(project.java_object, DefaultProject):
            raise TypeError('requires DefaultProject instance')  # pragma: no cover
        self._project = project
        self._images = {
            self._key_func(entry): QuPathProjectImageEntry(entry, _project_ref=self._project)
            for entry in self._project.java_object.getImageList()

    def _key_func(self, entry):
        """retrieve the fullProjectID from an ImageEntry

        note: this is only valid for the current project instance
        # basically `DefaultProjectImageEntry.getFullProjectEntryID()`
        # but don't go via image_data
        return (

    def refresh(self):
        removed = set(self._images.keys())
        for entry in self._project.java_object.getImageList():
            key = self._key_func(entry)
            if key not in self._images:
                self._images[key] = QuPathProjectImageEntry(entry, _project_ref=self._project)
                removed.discard(key)  # existing entry
        if removed:
            for key in removed:  # pragma: no cover
                _ = self._images.pop(key)

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[QuPathProjectImageEntry]:
        return iter(self._images.values())

    def __contains__(self, entry: object) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(entry, QuPathProjectImageEntry):
            return False
        full_id = self._key_func(entry.java_object)
        return full_id in self._images

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self._images)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"ImageEntries({repr([entry.image_name for entry in self])})"

    def _repr_html_(self, compact=False) -> str:
        from paquo._repr import div
        from paquo._repr import h4
        from paquo._repr import repr_html
        images = [
            repr_html(img, compact=True, index=idx) for idx, img in enumerate(self)
        header_css = {"margin-top": "0"} if not compact else {}
        return div(
            h4(text="Images:", style=header_css),
            div(*images, style={"display": "flex"}),

    def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> QuPathProjectImageEntry: ...

    def __getitem__(self, i: slice) -> Sequence[QuPathProjectImageEntry]: ...

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        if not isinstance(i, (int, slice)):
            raise IndexError(i)
        return list(self._images.values())[i]

def _stash_project_files(project_dir: pathlib.Path):
    """move rename projects files in a project to .backup"""
    if not project_dir.is_dir():
    if not any(project_dir.iterdir()):

    if settings.safe_truncate:
        # create a backup archive of the project
        _log.warning(f"backing up {} before truncating!"
                     " (this can be disabled via PAQUO_SAFE_TRUNCATE)")
        str_name = shutil.make_archive(
        # and rename it
        src_name = pathlib.Path(str_name)
        dst_name = make_backup_filename(project_dir.parent, src_name.stem)
        shutil.move(str(src_name), str(dst_name))"backup to {} successful")

    # empty the project directory
    for p in project_dir.iterdir():
        if p.is_file():
        elif p.is_dir():
    # done


ProjectIOMode = Literal["r", "r+", "w", "w+", "a", "a+", "x", "x+"]

[docs]class QuPathProject: java_object: DefaultProject def __init__(self, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], mode: ProjectIOMode = 'r', *, image_provider: ImageProvider = DEFAULT_IMAGE_PROVIDER): """load or create a new qupath project Parameters ---------- path: path to `project.qpproj` file, or its parent directory mode: 'r' --> readonly, error if not there 'r+' --> read/write, error if not there 'a' = 'a+' --> read/write, create if not there, append if there 'w' = 'w+' --> read/write, create if not there, truncate if there 'x' = 'x+' --> read/write, create if not there, error if there """ if not isinstance(image_provider, ImageProvider): raise TypeError("image_provider must quack like a paquo.images.ImageProvider") self._path = pathlib.Path(path) self._mode = str(mode) # guarantee p points to qpproj file (allow directory) if not self._path.suffix: self._path /= 'project.qpproj' elif self._path.suffix != ".qpproj": raise ValueError("project file requires '.qpproj' suffix") if not re.match(r"^[rawx][+]?$", mode): raise ValueError(f"unsupported mode '{mode}'") p = self._path.expanduser().absolute() _exists = p.is_file() self._readonly = mode == "r" if mode in {"r", "r+"} and not _exists: raise FileNotFoundError(p) elif mode in {"x", "x+"} and _exists: raise FileExistsError(p) elif mode in {"w", "w+"}: # truncate gracefully p_dir = p.parent if p_dir.is_dir(): _stash_project_files(p_dir) _exists = False if _exists: cm: Callable[..., ContextManager[Any]] if compatibility.requires_missing_classes_json_fix(): @contextmanager def cm(is_readonly): classes_json = p.parent.joinpath("classifiers", "classes.json") is_missing = not classes_json.is_file() if is_missing: classes_json.write_text('{"pathClasses":[]}') try: yield finally: if is_missing and is_readonly: classes_json.unlink(missing_ok=True) else: cm = nullcontext with redirect(stderr=True, stdout=True), cm(self._readonly): project = ProjectIO.loadProject(File(str(p)), BufferedImage) else: p_dir = p.parent p_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for f in p_dir.iterdir(): if not f.match("*.backup"): raise ValueError("will only create projects in empty directories") with redirect(stderr=True, stdout=True): project = Projects.createProject(File(str(p_dir)), BufferedImage) self.java_object = project self._image_entries_proxy = _ProjectImageEntriesProxy(self) self._image_provider = image_provider @property def images(self) -> Sequence[QuPathProjectImageEntry]: """project images""" return self._image_entries_proxy @contextmanager def _stage_image_entry(self, server_builder): """internal contextmanager for staging new entries""" entry = self.java_object.addImage(server_builder) try: yield entry except Exception: # todo: check if we could set removeAllData to True here self.java_object.removeImage(entry, False) raise finally: # update the proxy self._image_entries_proxy.refresh() @overload def add_image( self, image_id: SimpleFileImageId, image_type: Optional[QuPathImageType] = ..., *, allow_duplicates: bool = ..., return_list: Literal[True], ) -> List[QuPathProjectImageEntry]: ... @overload def add_image( self, image_id: SimpleFileImageId, image_type: Optional[QuPathImageType] = ..., *, allow_duplicates: bool = ..., return_list: Literal[False] = ..., ) -> Union[QuPathProjectImageEntry, List[QuPathProjectImageEntry]]: ...
[docs] @redirect(stderr=True, stdout=True) def add_image( self, image_id: SimpleFileImageId, image_type: Optional[QuPathImageType] = None, *, allow_duplicates: bool = False, return_list: bool = False, ) -> Union[QuPathProjectImageEntry, List[QuPathProjectImageEntry]]: """add an image to the project Parameters ---------- image_id: image_id pointing to the image file (with default image_provider: filename) image_type: provide an image type for the image. If not provided the user will be prompted before opening the image in QuPath. allow_duplicates: check if file has already been added to the project. """ # readonly? if self._readonly: raise OSError("project in readonly mode") # test if we may add: img_uri = self._image_provider.uri(image_id) if img_uri is None: raise FileNotFoundError(f"image_provider can't provide URI for requested image_id: '{image_id}'") # img_id = # if img_id != image_id: # pragma: no cover # _log.warning(f"image_provider roundtrip error: '{image_id}' -> uri -> '{img_id}'") if not allow_duplicates: for entry in self.images: if img_uri == self._image_provider.uri(entry.uri): raise FileExistsError(image_id) # first get a server builder try: support = ImageServerProvider.getPreferredUriImageSupport( BufferedImage, String(img_uri), ) except IOException: # pragma: no cover # it's possible that an image_provider returns an URI but that URI # is not actually reachable. In that case catch the java IOException # and raise a FileNotFoundError here raise FileNotFoundError(f"{image_id!r} as {img_uri!r}") except ExceptionInInitializerError: raise OSError("no preferred support found") if not support: raise OSError("no preferred support found") # pragma: no cover server_builders = list(support.getBuilders()) if not server_builders: raise OSError("no supported server builders found") # pragma: no cover entries = [] for server_builder in server_builders: with self._stage_image_entry(server_builder) as j_entry: # all of this happens in qupath.lib.gui.commands.ProjectImportImagesCommand try: server = except IOException: _, _, _sb = server_builder.__class__.__name__.rpartition(".") raise OSError(f"{_sb} can't open {str(image_id)}") j_entry.setImageName(ServerTools.getDisplayableImageName(server)) # add some informative logging _md = server.getMetadata() width = int(_md.getWidth()) height = int(_md.getHeight()) downsamples = [float(x) for x in _md.getPreferredDownsamplesArray()] target_downsample = math.sqrt(width / 1024.0 * height / 1024.0)"Image[{width}x{height}] with downsamples {downsamples}") if not any(d >= target_downsample for d in downsamples): _log.warning("No matching downsample for thumbnail! This might take a long time...") # set the project thumbnail try: thumbnail = ProjectImportImagesCommand_getThumbnailRGB(server, None) except NegativeArraySizeException: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError( "Thumbnailing FAILED. Image might be too large and has no embedded thumbnail." ) else: j_entry.setThumbnail(thumbnail) py_entry = self._image_entries_proxy[-1] if image_type is not None: py_entry.image_type = image_type # save project after adding image entries.append(py_entry) if return_list or len(entries) > 1: return entries else: return entries[0]
[docs] def is_readable(self) -> Dict[str, bool]: """verify if images are reachable""" readability_map = {} for image in self.images: uri = image.uri if uri is None: raise RuntimeError(f"entry has None uri: {image!r}") if uri in readability_map: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("received the same image_id from image_provider for two different images") readability_map[str(uri)] = image.is_readable() return readability_map
[docs] def update_image_paths(self, *, try_relative: bool = False, **rebase_kwargs) -> None: """update image path uris if image files moved Parameters ---------- try_relative: bool if try_relative is True, update_image_paths tries to use relative paths to resolve missing image entries. This is useful in case you move the the project together with its images directory, or in case you remount at a different location. **rebase_kwargs: keyword arguments are handed over to the image provider instance. The default image provider is a paquo.images.ImageProvider which uses the uri2uri keyword argument. (A mapping from old URI to new URI: Mapping[str, str]) """ if not isinstance(try_relative, bool): raise TypeError(f"try_relative requires bool, got: {type(try_relative).__name__!r}") # get the current image URIs old_uris = [image.uri for image in self.images] # the uri to uri mapping uri2uri = {} if try_relative: assert not rebase_kwargs, "no other kwargs supported when try_relative=True" # test if project was moved (or mounted somewhere else...) prev_pth = GeneralTools.toPath(self.java_object.getPreviousURI()).getParent() proj_pth = GeneralTools.toPath(self.java_object.getURI()).getParent() if prev_pth and proj_pth and not prev_pth.equals(proj_pth): for old_uri in map(URI, old_uris): img_pth = GeneralTools.toPath(old_uri) new_pth = proj_pth.resolve(prev_pth.relativize(img_pth)).normalize() if Files.exists(new_pth): uri2uri[old_uri] = new_pth.normalize().toUri().normalize() else: # allow rebasing all image uris in a single call to rebase new_uris = self._image_provider.rebase(*old_uris, **rebase_kwargs) # build the java URI to URI mapping for old_uri, new_uri in zip(old_uris, new_uris): if new_uri is None: continue elif ImageProvider.compare_uris(new_uri, old_uri): continue uri2uri[URI(old_uri)] = URI(new_uri) # update uris if possible for image in self.images: image.java_object.updateServerURIs(uri2uri)
[docs] @redirect(stderr=True, stdout=True) def remove_image( self, image_entry: Union[QuPathProjectImageEntry, int], ) -> None: """ Delete an image from the QuPath project. Parameters ---------- image_entry: the image entry to be removed """ if isinstance(image_entry, int): image_entry = self.images[image_entry] if not isinstance(image_entry, QuPathProjectImageEntry): raise TypeError( f"expected QuPathProjectImageEntry, got: {type(image_entry).__name__!r}" ) if self._readonly: raise OSError("project in readonly mode") try: self.java_object.removeImage(image_entry.java_object, False) finally: self._image_entries_proxy.refresh()
@property def uri(self) -> str: """the uri identifying the project location""" return str(self.java_object.getURI().toString()) # @property # def uri_previous(self) -> Optional[str]: # """previous uri. potentially useful for re-associating""" # uri = self.java_object.getPreviousURI() # if uri is None: # return None # return str(uri.toString()) @property def path_classes(self) -> Tuple[QuPathPathClass, ...]: """return path_classes stored in the project""" return tuple(map(QuPathPathClass.from_java, self.java_object.getPathClasses())) @path_classes.setter def path_classes(self, path_classes: Iterable[QuPathPathClass]): """to add path_classes reassign all path_classes here""" if self._readonly: raise AttributeError("project in readonly mode") pcs = [pc.java_object for pc in path_classes] self.java_object.setPathClasses(pcs) @property def path(self) -> pathlib.Path: """the path to the project root""" return pathlib.Path(str(self.java_object.getPath()))
[docs] @redirect(stderr=True, stdout=True) def save(self, images=True) -> None: """flush changes in the project to disk (writes path_classes and project data) """ if self._readonly: raise OSError("project in readonly mode") if images: for entry in self.images: try: self.java_object.syncChanges() # convert java land exception except IOException: # pragma: no cover raise OSError("occurred when trying to save the project")
@property def name(self) -> str: """project name""" name = str(self.java_object.getName()) if name.endswith("/project.qpproj"): name = name[:-15] return name def __repr__(self) -> str: # name = self.java_object.getNameFromURI(self.java_object.getURI()) return f'{type(self).__name__}(path="{self._path}" mode="{self._mode}")' def _repr_html_(self) -> str: from paquo._repr import br from paquo._repr import div from paquo._repr import h3 from paquo._repr import p from paquo._repr import repr_html from paquo._repr import span return div( h3(style={"margin-top": "0"}, text=f"Project: {}"), p( span(text="path: ", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), span(text=str(self._path)), br(), span(text="mode: ", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), span(text=self._mode), style={"margin": "0.5em"}, ), repr_html(self.images), ) @property def timestamp_creation(self) -> int: """system time at creation in milliseconds""" return int(self.java_object.getCreationTimestamp()) @property def timestamp_modification(self) -> int: """system time at modification in milliseconds""" return int(self.java_object.getModificationTimestamp()) @property def version(self) -> Optional[str]: """the project version. should be identical to the qupath version""" # for older projects this returns null. # for newer projects this will be set to DefaultProject.LATEST_VERSION # which is just GeneralTools.getVersion()... version = self.java_object.getVersion() try: # note: this still implicitly requires a QuPath version that has GeneralTools # which is probably fine... latest_version = GeneralTools.getVersion() except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover latest_version = None # version is None, until we save a project to disk AND reload it! if version: return str(version) if latest_version: return str(latest_version) return None # pragma: no cover def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if not self._readonly: