Source code for paquo.hierarchy

import collections
import json
import math
import reprlib
import struct
from contextlib import contextmanager
from contextlib import suppress
from typing import Any
from typing import Counter as CounterType
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Iterator
from typing import MutableSet
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Type
from typing import Union
from typing import overload

from paquo._logging import get_logger
from paquo._utils import cached_property
from paquo.classes import QuPathPathClass
from import GsonTools
from import IllegalArgumentException
from import PathObjectHierarchy
from import compatibility
from paquo.pathobjects import BaseGeometry
from paquo.pathobjects import PathROIObjectType
from paquo.pathobjects import QuPathPathAnnotationObject
from paquo.pathobjects import QuPathPathDetectionObject
from paquo.pathobjects import QuPathPathTileObject
from paquo.pathobjects import fix_geojson_geometry

__all__ = ["QuPathPathObjectHierarchy"]

_logger = get_logger(__name__)

class PathObjectProxy(Sequence[PathROIObjectType], MutableSet[PathROIObjectType]):
    """set interface for path objects with support for access by index and slicing

    *not meant to be instantiated by the user*

    Access this proxy via the `QuPathPathObjectHierarchy.annotations` or
    `QuPathPathObjectHierarchy.detections` properties. It acts just like
    a python set, but also supports access by index and slicing.


    def __init__(
        hierarchy: 'QuPathPathObjectHierarchy',
        paquo_cls: Type[PathROIObjectType],
        mask: Optional[Union[slice, Sequence[int]]] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """internal: not meant to be instantiated by the user"""
        self._hierarchy = hierarchy
        self._paquo_cls = paquo_cls
        if not (
            mask is None
            or isinstance(mask, slice)
            or (all(isinstance(x, int) for x in mask) and len(mask) > 0)
            raise TypeError(f"mask can be slice, or Sequence[int] or None. Got: {type(mask)!r}")
        self._mask: Optional[Union[slice, Sequence[int]]] = mask

    def _readonly(self) -> bool:
        # noinspection PyProtectedMember
        return self._hierarchy._readonly or self._mask is not None

    def _java_hierarchy(self):
        return self._hierarchy.java_object

    def _list(self):
        _list = self._java_hierarchy.getObjects(None, self._paquo_cls.java_class)
        if self._mask:
            if isinstance(self._mask, slice):
                _list = _list[self._mask]
                _list = [_list[x] for x in self._mask]
        return _list

    def _list_invalidate_cache(self):
        with suppress(KeyError):
            del self.__dict__["_list"]

    def _disabled(self, other: Iterable[Any]) -> "PathObjectProxy":
        raise NotImplementedError(f"{type(self).__name__} only supports inplace operations: '|=', '-='")
    __or__ = __and__ = __sub__ = __xor__ = __iand__ = __ixor__ = _disabled
    del _disabled

    def __ior__(self, other: Iterable[Any]) -> "PathObjectProxy":  # type: ignore
        if self._mask:
            raise OSError("cannot modify view")
        if self._readonly:
            raise OSError("project in readonly mode")
        path_objects = [x.java_object for x in other]
        return self
    update = __ior__

    def __isub__(self, other: Iterable[Any]) -> "PathObjectProxy":  # type: ignore
        if self._mask:
            raise OSError("cannot modify view")
        if self._readonly:
            raise OSError("project in readonly mode")
        path_objects = [x.java_object for x in other]
            self._java_hierarchy.removeObjects(path_objects, True)
        return self

    if compatibility.supports_newer_addobject_and_pathclass():
        def add(self, x: PathROIObjectType) -> None:
            """adds a new path object to the proxy"""
            if self._mask:
                raise OSError("cannot modify view")
            if self._readonly:
                raise OSError("project in readonly mode")
            if not isinstance(x, self._paquo_cls):
                raise TypeError(f"requires {self._paquo_cls.__name__} instance got {x.__class__.__name__}")
                if self._hierarchy.autoflush:
                    self._java_hierarchy.addObject(x.java_object, True)
                    self._java_hierarchy.addObject(x.java_object, False)

        def add(self, x: PathROIObjectType) -> None:
            """adds a new path object to the proxy"""
            if self._mask:
                raise OSError("cannot modify view")
            if self._readonly:
                raise OSError("project in readonly mode")
            if not isinstance(x, self._paquo_cls):
                raise TypeError(f"requires {self._paquo_cls.__name__} instance got {x.__class__.__name__}")
                if self._hierarchy.autoflush:

    def discard(self, x: PathROIObjectType) -> None:
        """discard a path object from the proxy"""
        if self._mask:
            raise OSError("cannot modify view")
        if self._readonly:
            raise OSError("project in readonly mode")
        if not isinstance(x, self._paquo_cls):
            raise TypeError(f"requires {self._paquo_cls.__name__} instance got {x.__class__.__name__}")
            if self._hierarchy.autoflush:
                self._java_hierarchy.removeObject(x.java_object, True)
                self._java_hierarchy.removeObjectWithoutUpdate(x.java_object, True)

    def clear(self) -> None:
        """clear all path objects from the proxy"""
        if self._mask:
            raise OSError("cannot modify view")
        if self._readonly:
            raise OSError("project in readonly mode")
            self._java_hierarchy.removeObjects(self._list, True)

    def __contains__(self, x: Any) -> bool:
        """test if path object is in proxy"""
        # ... inHierarchy is private
        # return bool(self._java_hierarchy.inHierarchy(x.java_object))
        if not isinstance(x, self._paquo_cls):
            return False
        while x.parent is not None:
            x = x.parent
        return bool(x.java_object == self._java_hierarchy.getRootObject())

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self._list)

    def __iter__(self: "PathObjectProxy") -> Iterator[PathROIObjectType]:
        for obj in self._list:
            yield self._paquo_cls(obj, update_callback=self.add)

    def __getitem__(self, i: int) -> PathROIObjectType: ...
    def __getitem__(self, i: slice) -> "PathObjectProxy": ...
    def __getitem__(self, i: Sequence[int]) -> "PathObjectProxy": ...

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        if isinstance(i, int):
            return self._paquo_cls(self._list[i], update_callback=self.add)
        elif isinstance(i, slice):
            if self._mask is None:
                mask = i
            elif isinstance(self._mask, slice):
                _r = range(self._java_hierarchy.nObjects())
                _s = _r[self._mask][i]
                mask = slice(_s.start, _s.stop, _s.step)
                mask = self._mask[i]
            return PathObjectProxy(self._hierarchy, self._paquo_cls, mask)
            if self._mask is None:
                mask = i
            elif isinstance(self._mask, slice):
                _r = range(self._java_hierarchy.nObjects())
                _s = _r[self._mask]
                mask = [_s[idx] for idx in i]
                mask = [self._mask[idx] for idx in i]
            return PathObjectProxy(self._hierarchy, self._paquo_cls, mask)

    def count(self, value: PathROIObjectType) -> int:
        return int(value in self)  # PathObjectProxy is a set

    def __repr__(self):
        c = type(self).__name__
        h = repr(self._hierarchy)
        p = self._paquo_cls.__name__
        m = reprlib.repr(self._mask)
        i = f"0x{hex(id(self))}"
        if m is None:
            return f"<{c} hierarchy={h} paquo_cls={p} at {i}>"
        return f"<{c} hierarchy={h} paquo_cls={p} mask={m} at {i}>"

[docs]class QuPathPathObjectHierarchy: java_object: PathObjectHierarchy def __init__( self, hierarchy: Optional[PathObjectHierarchy] = None, *, readonly: bool = False, image_name: str = "N/A", autoflush: bool = True, ) -> None: """qupath hierarchy stores all annotation objects Parameters ---------- hierarchy: a PathObjectHierarchy instance (optional) Usually accessed directly via the Image Container. """ if hierarchy is None: hierarchy = PathObjectHierarchy() self.java_object = hierarchy # internals self._image_name = str(image_name) self._readonly = bool(readonly) self._annotations = PathObjectProxy(self, paquo_cls=QuPathPathAnnotationObject) self._detections = PathObjectProxy(self, paquo_cls=QuPathPathDetectionObject) # attrs self.autoflush = bool(autoflush) def __len__(self) -> int: """Number of objects in hierarchy (all types)""" return int(self.java_object.nObjects()) @property def is_empty(self) -> bool: """a hierarchy is empty if it only contains the root object""" return bool(self.java_object.isEmpty())
[docs] @contextmanager def no_autoflush(self): """prevent updates to the hierarchy to trigger an internal update event""" _autoflush, self.autoflush = self.autoflush, False try: yield self finally: self.flush(invalidate_proxy_cache=True) self.autoflush = _autoflush
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
[docs] def flush(self, invalidate_proxy_cache: bool = False): """flush changes to the hierarchy""" root = self.java_object.getRootObject() self.java_object.fireHierarchyChangedEvent(root) if invalidate_proxy_cache: self._annotations._list_invalidate_cache() self._detections._list_invalidate_cache()
@property def root(self) -> QuPathPathAnnotationObject: """the hierarchy root node This object has no roi and cannot be assigned another class. All other objects are descendants of this object if they are attached to this hierarchy. """ root = self.java_object.getRootObject() return QuPathPathAnnotationObject(root) # todo: specialize... @property def annotations(self) -> PathObjectProxy[QuPathPathAnnotationObject]: """all annotations provided as a flattened set-like proxy""" return self._annotations
[docs] def add_annotation(self, roi: BaseGeometry, path_class: Optional[QuPathPathClass] = None, measurements: Optional[dict] = None, *, path_class_probability: float = math.nan) -> QuPathPathAnnotationObject: """convenience method for adding annotations""" if self._readonly: raise OSError("project in readonly mode") obj = QuPathPathAnnotationObject.from_shapely( roi, path_class, measurements, path_class_probability=path_class_probability ) self._annotations.add(obj) return obj
@property def detections(self) -> PathObjectProxy[QuPathPathDetectionObject]: """all detections provided as a flattened set-like proxy""" return self._detections def add_detection(self, roi: BaseGeometry, path_class: Optional[QuPathPathClass] = None, measurements: Optional[dict] = None, *, path_class_probability: float = math.nan) -> QuPathPathDetectionObject: if self._readonly: raise OSError("project in readonly mode") """convenience method for adding detections Notes ----- these will be added to self.detections """ obj = QuPathPathDetectionObject.from_shapely( roi, path_class, measurements, path_class_probability=path_class_probability ) self._detections.add(obj) return obj
[docs] def add_tile(self, roi: BaseGeometry, path_class: Optional[QuPathPathClass] = None, measurements: Optional[dict] = None, *, path_class_probability: float = math.nan) -> QuPathPathTileObject: """convenience method for adding tile detections Notes ----- these will be added to self.detections """ if self._readonly: raise OSError("project in readonly mode") obj = QuPathPathTileObject.from_shapely( roi, path_class, measurements, path_class_probability=path_class_probability ) self._detections.add(obj) return obj
[docs] def to_geojson(self) -> list: """return all annotations as a list of geojson features""" gson = GsonTools.getInstance() geojson = gson.toJson(self.java_object.getAnnotationObjects()) return list(json.loads(str(geojson)))
[docs] def load_geojson( self, geojson: list, *, raise_on_skip: bool = False, fix_invalid: bool = False, ) -> bool: """load annotations into this hierarchy from a geojson list returns True if new objects were added, False otherwise. """ # todo: use geojson module for type checking? if self._readonly: raise OSError("project in readonly mode") if not isinstance(geojson, list): raise TypeError("requires a geojson list") aos = [] skipped: "CounterType[str]" = collections.Counter() for annotation in geojson: try: if fix_invalid: annotation["geometry"] = fix_geojson_geometry(annotation["geometry"]) # compatibility layer # todo: should maybe test at the beginning of this method # if the version supports id or not, instead of checking # the version number... if ( compatibility.requires_annotation_json_fix() and 'id' not in annotation ): object_type = annotation['properties'].get("object_type", "unknown") object_id = { 'annotation': "PathAnnotationObject", 'detection': "PathDetectionObject", 'tile': "PathTileObject", 'cell': "PathCellObject", 'tma_core': "TMACoreObject", 'root': "PathRootObject", 'unknown': "PathAnnotationObject", }.get(object_type, None) if object_id is None: _logger.warn(f"annotation has incompatible object_type: '{object_type}'") object_id = "PathAnnotationObject" annotation['id'] = object_id ao = QuPathPathAnnotationObject.from_geojson(annotation) except (IllegalArgumentException, ValueError) as err: _logger.warn(f"Annotation skipped: {err}") class_ = annotation["properties"].get("classification", {}).get("name", "UNDEFINED") skipped[class_] += 1 continue else: aos.append(ao.java_object) if skipped: n_skipped = sum(skipped.values()) if raise_on_skip: raise ValueError(f"could not convert {n_skipped} annotations") _logger.error( f"skipped {n_skipped} annotation objects: {skipped.most_common()}" ) updated = bool(self.java_object.insertPathObjects(aos)) if updated: self.flush(invalidate_proxy_cache=True) return updated
[docs] def to_ome_xml(self, prefix="paquo", fill_alpha=0.0) -> str: """return all annotations in ome xml format""" # this try: from ome_types import to_xml from ome_types.model import OME from ome_types.model import ROI from ome_types.model import AnnotationRef from ome_types.model import Ellipse as OmeEllipse from ome_types.model import Line as OmeLine from ome_types.model import Map from ome_types.model import MapAnnotation from ome_types.model import Point as OmePoint from ome_types.model import Polygon as OmePolygon from ome_types.model import Polyline as OmePolyline from ome_types.model import Rectangle as OmeRectangle from import M from ome_types.model.shape import FillRule except ImportError: raise RuntimeError(f"{type(self).__name__}.to_ome_xml requires 'ome-types' python module and python>=3.7") from import EllipseROI from import GeometryROI from import LineROI from import PointsROI from import PolygonROI from import PolylineROI from import RectangleROI ome = OME() for ao in self.annotations: class_name: Optional[str] if ao.path_class: class_name = else: class_name = None # --- create the map_annotation _m = { f"{prefix}:object_type": { "PathAnnotationObject": 'annotation', "PathDetectionObject": 'detection', "PathTileObject": 'tile', "PathCellObject": 'cell', "TMACoreObject": 'tma_core', "PathRootObject": 'root', }.get(type(ao.java_object).__name__.rpartition(".")[2], "unknown") } if class_name: _m[f"{prefix}:path_class"] = class_name if _m[f"{prefix}:name"] = for k, v in ao.measurements.items(): _m[f"{prefix}:measurement:{k}"] = v map_annotation = MapAnnotation(value=Map(m=[ M(k=_key, value=str(_value)) for _key, _value in _m.items() ])) # --- prepare common kwargs for ome Shape if ao.path_class and ao.path_class.color: # r, g, b, a = ao.path_class.color.to_rgba() stroke_color, = struct.unpack(">i", bytes([r, g, b, a])) if fill_alpha <= 0: fill_color = None else: fill_alpha = min(max(0.0, fill_alpha), 1.0) fill_color, = struct.unpack(">i", bytes([r, g, b, int(fill_alpha*a)])) else: stroke_color = None fill_color = None # fill_rule = FillRule.NON_ZERO qp_roi = ao.java_object.getROI() the_c = int(qp_roi.getC()) the_t = int(qp_roi.getT()) the_z = int(qp_roi.getZ()) shape_kwargs = dict( # id=..., # annotation_ref=..., fill_color=fill_color, fill_rule=fill_rule, # font_family=None, # font_size=None, # font_size_unit=UnitsLength("pt"), # font_style=None, locked=ao.locked, stroke_color=stroke_color, stroke_dash_array=None, stroke_width=2, # 2px is the QuPath default gui setting # stroke_width_unit=UnitsLength("pixel"), text=class_name, # again class instead of ao.description for a nicer UX in omero.iviewer... the_c=the_c if the_c >= 0 else None, the_t=the_t, the_z=the_z, transform=None, ) # --- create the roi roi = ROI(name=class_name) roi.annotation_ref.append(AnnotationRef( # --- add the correct shape dependent on roi types ome_shape: Any if isinstance(qp_roi, (PolygonROI, GeometryROI)): ome_shape = OmePolygon( points=" ".join(f"{p.getX():f},{p.getY():f}" for p in qp_roi.getAllPoints()), **shape_kwargs, ) elif isinstance(qp_roi, EllipseROI): # ome_shape = OmeEllipse( radius_x=float(qp_roi.getBoundsWidth() * 0.5), radius_y=float(qp_roi.getBoundsHeight() * 0.5), x=float(qp_roi.getCentroidX()), y=float(qp_roi.getCentroidY()), **shape_kwargs, ) elif isinstance(qp_roi, RectangleROI): ome_shape = OmeRectangle( height=float(qp_roi.getBoundsHeight()), width=float(qp_roi.getBoundsWidth()), x=float(qp_roi.getBoundsX()), y=float(qp_roi.getBoundsY()), **shape_kwargs, ) elif isinstance(qp_roi, LineROI): ome_shape = OmeLine( x1=float(qp_roi.getX1()), x2=float(qp_roi.getX2()), y1=float(qp_roi.getY1()), y2=float(qp_roi.getY2()), marker_end=None, marker_start=None, **shape_kwargs, ) elif isinstance(qp_roi, PolylineROI): ome_shape = OmePolyline( points=" ".join(f"{p.getX():f},{p.getY():f}" for p in qp_roi.getAllPoints()), marker_end=None, marker_start=None, **shape_kwargs, ) elif isinstance(qp_roi, PointsROI): # we have to create individual points in ome ome_shape = [ OmePoint(x=float(p.getX()), y=float(p.getY()), **shape_kwargs) for p in qp_roi.getAllPoints() ] else: raise NotImplementedError(f"todo {type(qp_roi).__name__}") if isinstance(ome_shape, list): roi.union.extend(ome_shape) else: roi.union.append(ome_shape) # --- add the annotation to the ome structure ome.rois.append(roi) ome.structured_annotations.append(map_annotation) return to_xml(ome)
def __repr__(self): return f"Hierarchy(image={self._image_name}, annotations={len(self._annotations)}, detections={len(self._detections)})" def _repr_html_(self): from paquo._repr import br from paquo._repr import div from paquo._repr import h4 from paquo._repr import p from paquo._repr import span return div( h4(text=f"Hierarchy: {self._image_name}", style={"margin-top": "0"}), p( span(text="annotations: ", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), span(text=f"{len(self._annotations)}"), br(), span(text="detections: ", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), span(text=f"{len(self._detections)}"), style={"margin": "0.5em"}, ), )