Source code for paquo.pathobjects

import json
import math
from import MutableMapping
from functools import partial
from typing import Callable
from typing import Iterator
from typing import Optional
from typing import Type
from typing import TypeVar
from typing import Union

from shapely.geometry import shape
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
from shapely.wkb import dumps as shapely_wkb_dumps
from shapely.wkb import loads as shapely_wkb_loads

from paquo._utils import cached_property
from paquo.classes import QuPathPathClass
from import ROI
from import GeometryTools
from import GsonTools
from import PathAnnotationObject
from import PathDetectionObject
from import PathObjects
from import PathROIObject
from import PathTileObject
from import String
from import WKBReader
from import WKBWriter

__all__ = [

def _shapely_geometry_to_qupath_roi(geometry: BaseGeometry, image_plane=None) -> ROI:
    """convert a shapely geometry into a qupath ROI

    uses well known binary WKB as intermediate representation

    todo: expose image plane settings and provide pythonic interface to it
    wkb_bytes = shapely_wkb_dumps(geometry)
    jts_geometry = WKBReader().read(wkb_bytes)
    return GeometryTools.geometryToROI(jts_geometry, image_plane)

def _qupath_roi_to_shapely_geometry(roi) -> BaseGeometry:
    """convert a qupath ROI to a shapely geometry

    uses well known binary WKB as intermediate representation

    note: this loses the image plane information
    jts_geometry = GeometryTools.roiToGeometry(roi)
    wkb_bytearray = WKBWriter(2).write(jts_geometry)
    return shapely_wkb_loads(bytes(wkb_bytearray))

def fix_geojson_geometry(geometry: dict) -> dict:
    """try to fix a provided geojson geometry via buffering"""
    s = shape(geometry)
    if not s.is_valid:
        # attempt to fix
        s = s.buffer(0, 1)
        if not s.is_valid:
            s = s.buffer(0, 1)
            if not s.is_valid:
                raise ValueError("invalid geometry")
    return s.__geo_interface__  # type: ignore

class _MeasurementList(MutableMapping):

    def __init__(
        update_callback: Optional[Callable[[], None]] = None
        self._measurement_list = measurement_list
        self._update_callback = update_callback

    def __setitem__(self, k: str, v: float) -> None:
        if not isinstance(v, float):
            raise TypeError(f"value must be float, got: {type(v).__name__}")
        self._measurement_list.putMeasurement(k, v)
        if self._update_callback:

    def __delitem__(self, v: str) -> None:
        if v not in self:
            raise KeyError(v)
        if self._update_callback:

    def __getitem__(self, k: Union[str, int]) -> float:
        if not isinstance(k, (int, str)):
            raise KeyError(f"unsupported key of type {type(k)}")
        value = float(self._measurement_list.getMeasurementValue(k))
        if math.isnan(value) and k not in self:
            raise KeyError(k)
        return value

    def __contains__(self, item: object) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(item, str):
            return False
        return bool(self._measurement_list.containsNamedMeasurement(item))

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return int(self._measurement_list.size())

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
        return iter(map(str, self._measurement_list.getMeasurementNames()))

    def clear(self) -> None:
        if self._update_callback:

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Measurements({repr(dict(self))})"

    def __str__(self):
        return str(dict(self))

    def to_records(self):
        return [{'name': name, 'value': value} for name, value in self.items()]

# noinspection PyTypeChecker
PathROIObjectType = TypeVar('PathROIObjectType', bound='_PathROIObject')

[docs]class _PathROIObject: """internal base class for PathObjects""" # must be provided in subclass java_class: Type[PathROIObject] java_class_factory: Callable[..., PathROIObject] def __init__( self, java_object: PathROIObject, *, update_callback: Optional[Callable[[PathROIObjectType], None]] = None ) -> None: """instantiate using classmethods: `from_shapely`, `from_geojson`""" self.java_object = java_object self._update_callback = update_callback
[docs] @classmethod def from_shapely(cls: Type[PathROIObjectType], roi: BaseGeometry, path_class: Optional[QuPathPathClass] = None, measurements: Optional[dict] = None, *, path_class_probability: float = math.nan) -> PathROIObjectType: """create a Path Object from a shapely shape Parameters ---------- roi: a shapely shape as the region of interest of the annotation path_class: a paquo QuPathPathClass to mark the annotation type measurements: dict holding static measurements for annotation object path_class_probability: keyword only argument defining the probability of the class (default NaN) """ if not isinstance(roi, BaseGeometry): raise TypeError("roi needs to be an instance of shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry") qupath_roi = _shapely_geometry_to_qupath_roi(roi) qupath_path_class = path_class.java_object if path_class is not None else None # fixme: should create measurements here and pass instead of None java_obj = cls.java_class_factory(qupath_roi, qupath_path_class, None) if not math.isnan(path_class_probability): java_obj.setPathClass(java_obj.getPathClass(), path_class_probability) obj = cls(java_obj) if measurements is not None: obj.measurements.update(measurements) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_geojson(cls: Type[PathROIObjectType], geojson) -> PathROIObjectType: """create a new Path Object from geojson""" gson = GsonTools.getInstance() java_obj = gson.fromJson(String(json.dumps(geojson)), cls.java_class) return cls(java_obj)
[docs] def to_geojson(self) -> dict: """convert the annotation object to geojson""" gson = GsonTools.getInstance() geojson = gson.toJson(self.java_object) return dict(json.loads(str(geojson)))
@property def path_class(self) -> Optional[QuPathPathClass]: """the annotation path class""" pc = self.java_object.getPathClass() if not pc: return None return QuPathPathClass.from_java(pc) @property def path_class_probability(self) -> float: """the annotation path class probability""" return float(self.java_object.getClassProbability())
[docs] def update_path_class(self: PathROIObjectType, pc: Optional[QuPathPathClass], probability: float = math.nan) -> None: """updating the class or probability has to be done via this method""" if not (pc is None or isinstance(pc, QuPathPathClass)): raise TypeError("requires QuPathPathClass") else: pc = pc if pc is None else pc.java_object self.java_object.setPathClass(pc, probability) if self._update_callback: self._update_callback(self)
@property def locked(self) -> bool: """lock state of the annotation""" return bool(self.java_object.isLocked()) @locked.setter def locked(self: PathROIObjectType, value: bool) -> None: self.java_object.setLocked(value) if self._update_callback: self._update_callback(self) @property def is_editable(self) -> bool: """can the annotation be edited in the qupath UI""" return bool(self.java_object.isEditable()) @property def level(self) -> int: """the annotation's level""" return int(self.java_object.getLevel()) @property def name(self) -> Optional[str]: """an optional name for the annotation""" name = self.java_object.getName() if name is None: return None return str(name) @name.setter def name(self: PathROIObjectType, name: Union[str, None]) -> None: if name is not None: name = String(name) self.java_object.setName(name) if self._update_callback: self._update_callback(self) @property def parent(self: PathROIObjectType) -> Optional[PathROIObjectType]: """the annotation object's parent annotation object""" parent = self.java_object.getParent() if not parent: return None # fixme: Is this true? Or do we need to dynamically cast to the right subclass return self.__class__(parent) @property def roi(self) -> BaseGeometry: """the roi as a shapely shape""" roi = self.java_object.getROI() return _qupath_roi_to_shapely_geometry(roi)
[docs] def update_roi(self: PathROIObjectType, geometry: BaseGeometry) -> None: """update the roi of the annotation""" roi = _shapely_geometry_to_qupath_roi(geometry) self.java_object.setROI(roi) if self._update_callback: self._update_callback(self)
@cached_property def measurements(self): if self._update_callback: cb = partial(self._update_callback, self) else: cb = None return _MeasurementList( self.java_object.getMeasurementList(), update_callback=cb, ) def __repr__(self): name = path_class = self.path_class roi = self.roi out = [] if name: out.append(f'name="{name}"') if path_class: out.append(f'class="{}"') if roi: out.append(f'roi={roi.geom_type}') return f"{type(self).__name__}({' '.join(out)})" def _repr_html_(self): from paquo._repr import br from paquo._repr import div from paquo._repr import h4 from paquo._repr import p from paquo._repr import rawhtml from paquo._repr import repr_svg from paquo._repr import span obj_class_name = self.__class__.__name__ if obj_class_name.startswith('QuPath'): obj_class_name = obj_class_name[6:] name = or "N/A" path_class = self.path_class path_class_name = if path_class else "N/A" roi = self.roi if hasattr(roi, '_repr_svg_'): roi_tag = span(rawhtml(repr_svg(roi)), style={"vertical-align": "text-top"}) else: roi_tag = span(text=roi.wkt) # pragma: no cover return div( h4(text=f"{obj_class_name}:", style={"margin-top": "0"}), p( span(text="name: ", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), span(text=name), br(), span(text="path_class: ", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), span(text=path_class_name), br(), span(text="roi_type: ", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), span(text=roi.geom_type), br(), span(text="roi: ", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), roi_tag, style={"margin": "0.5em"}, ), )
[docs]class QuPathPathAnnotationObject(_PathROIObject): java_class = PathAnnotationObject java_class_factory = PathObjects.createAnnotationObject @property def description(self) -> Optional[str]: """an optional description for the annotation""" desc = self.java_object.getDescription() return str(desc) if desc is not None else None @description.setter def description(self, value: str): if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("requires a str") self.java_object.setDescription(String(value))
[docs]class QuPathPathDetectionObject(_PathROIObject): java_class = PathDetectionObject java_class_factory = PathObjects.createDetectionObject
[docs]class QuPathPathTileObject(QuPathPathDetectionObject): java_class = PathTileObject java_class_factory = PathObjects.createTileObject