Source code for paquo.classes

from typing import Optional

from paquo.colors import ColorType
from paquo.colors import QuPathColor
from import PathClass
from import PathClassFactory
from import String
from import compatibility

__all__ = ['QuPathPathClass']

[docs]class QuPathPathClass: java_object: PathClass
[docs] @classmethod def from_java(cls, path_class: PathClass) -> 'QuPathPathClass': """initialize a QuPathPathClass from its corresponding java PathClass""" if not isinstance(path_class, PathClass): raise TypeError("use PathClass(name='myclass') to instantiate") # keep type annotation requirements intact by providing # empty string, which is ignored when providing _java_path_class return cls('', _java_path_class=path_class)
def __init__(self, name: str, color: Optional[ColorType] = None, parent: Optional['QuPathPathClass'] = None, **_kwargs) -> None: """create a QuPathPathClass The QuPathPathClasses are wrappers around singletons defined by their name and their ancestors. Internally there's only one java PathClass instance per ancestor chain + name. (The internal unique id is chaining names via ':', which is why ':' is an unsupported name character) Parameters ---------- name: the name of your path class color: a color (r,g,b) or (r,g,b,a) with 0 < x < 255 or a QuPathColor if color is None, a color calculated from the name is used parent: the parent of the class Returns ------- path_class: the QuPathPathClass """ # internal: check if a java path class was already provided _java_path_class = _kwargs.pop('_java_path_class', None) if _java_path_class is not None: self.java_object = _java_path_class return # called by user if name is None: if parent is None: # note: # parent=None for name=None creates the root node on the qupath java side # will have to consider if we expose this here. raise NotImplementedError("creating Root PathClass is currently not supported") else: raise ValueError("cannot create derived QuPathPathClass with name=None") elif isinstance(name, str): if ":" in name or "\n" in name: raise ValueError("PathClass names cannot contain ':' or '\n'") name = String(name) else: raise TypeError(f"name requires type 'str' got '{type(name)}'") # get the parent class if requested java_parent = None if parent is not None: if not isinstance(parent, QuPathPathClass): raise TypeError("parent must be a QuPathPathClass") java_parent = parent.java_object # set the color if requested java_color = None if color is not None: java_color = QuPathColor.from_any(color).to_java_rgba() # use rgba? if compatibility.supports_newer_addobject_and_pathclass(): path_class = PathClass.getInstance(java_parent, name, java_color) else: path_class = PathClassFactory.getDerivedPathClass(java_parent, name, java_color) self.java_object = path_class @property def name(self) -> str: """the name of the class""" return str(self.java_object.getName()) @property def id(self) -> str: """the unique identifier string of the class""" return str(self.java_object.toString()) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: # check if path classes are identical if not isinstance(other, QuPathPathClass): return False return int(self.java_object.compareTo(other.java_object)) == 0 @property def parent(self) -> Optional['QuPathPathClass']: """the parent path class of this path class""" path_class = self.java_object.getParentClass() if path_class is None: return None return QuPathPathClass.from_java(path_class) @property def origin(self) -> 'QuPathPathClass': """the toplevel parent of this path class""" origin_class = self while origin_class.parent is not None: origin_class = origin_class.parent return origin_class
[docs] def is_derived_from(self, parent_class: 'QuPathPathClass'): """is this class derived from the parent_class""" return self.java_object.isDerivedFrom(parent_class.java_object)
[docs] def is_ancestor_of(self, child_class: 'QuPathPathClass'): """is this class an ancestor of the child_class""" return self.java_object.isAncestorOf(child_class.java_object)
@property def color(self) -> Optional[QuPathColor]: """return the path color""" rgb = self.java_object.getColor() if rgb is None: return None return QuPathColor.from_java_rgb(rgb) @color.setter def color(self, rgb: Optional[ColorType]) -> None: """set the path color""" if rgb is not None: rgb = QuPathColor.from_any(rgb).to_java_rgb() # maybe use argb? self.java_object.setColor(rgb) @property def is_valid(self) -> bool: """check if the path class is valid""" return bool(self.java_object.isValid()) @property def is_derived_class(self) -> bool: """check if the class is a derived path class""" return bool(self.java_object.isDerivedClass()) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"QuPathPathClass('{}')"